
imei driving and expanding Mitel Enterprise UC solutions

We have some of Australia’s most experienced Mitel UC engineers working to help our customers protect their UC investments.


On-site enterprise Unified Communications services are a core focus for imei UC  as we continue to provide solutions and services that protect and maximise investments that have already been made.

Topics: Unified Communications

imei 16ft skiff wins the NSW State Titles

During November and December 2019, the Manly Club 16 foot skiff “imei” took out the NSW State Titles Championship.

Topics: News

Team imei ends 2019 with a Polo Urban Challenge Series win

In 2019 imei sponsored the Polo in the City Urban Challenge series – an unusual platform for client relationship building, away from the ‘typical’ events sponsorship and providing an opportunity to drive some imei brand awareness.

Topics: News

Why old-school security is not enough for modern mobile security threats

As more firms move their business operations to the cloud, allowing employees to access corporate data on any device, from any location, the notion of perimeter-centric security is increasingly out of date.

Topics: Security

Top 5 benefits of Mobility Managed Services

These days, mobility is an increasingly common feature of the modern workplace. It’s transforming the way businesses operate, driving efficiency, improving communication and collaboration, and increasing employee productivity.

Topics: Management Intelligence Lifecycle