
How to justify a TEM solution to your CEO

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In today’s enterprise, complex mobile-based technology infrastructure coupled with the growth of enterprise mobility means burgeoning telecom expense management costs are a fact of life. To drive efficiencies of telecom costs, assets and services implementing a TEM solution is now more important than ever.

Organisations are increasingly challenged to find new ways to reduce enterprise mobility costs. As the adoption of and reliance on Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and Artificial Intelligence technologies ramps up, the challenge to optimise enterprise mobility investments will only intensify.


A TEM solution generates immediate savings

To reduce waste and maximise efficiencies, it’s critical to put telecom expense management under the microscope. For organisations today, implementing a TEM solution is no longer a nice to have. A TEM solution is essential and makes a significant impact on the bottom line. It also enables the business to improve accountability over what is a major operating expense.

Yet, some enterprises are still managing telecom expenses with paper and spreadsheets. Despite a TEM solution delivering serious ROI in terms of the ability to increase efficiency and cut costs associated telecom expenses, for some organisations, not investing in a TEM solution comes down to the inability to justify the expense.


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Clear and quantifiable benefits

The good news is, that for most businesses, it’s simple to justify the cost of a TEM solution. You can explain the value of a TEM solution in many ways, including: 

  • Significant direct and indirect cost savings
  • Improved invoice processing – including auditing and dispute resolution
  • Optimal corporate governance and policy enforcement
  • Comprehensive inventory and asset management
  • Enhanced security

The direct cost savings alone will deliver major bottom line savings to your organisation. A TEM solution reduces telecom costs by:

  • Identifying mobile devices which are no longer in use and removing them from the inventory
  • Tracking and accurate cost allocation across the business
  • Detecting and resolving billing discrepancies
  • Assigning mobile plans based on usage profiles
  • Monitoring SLA service breaches and recovering applicable SLA credits
  • Identifying unused software licensing and other related telecom expenses to further drive down costs

In terms of indirect costs, the process of improving policies, workflows, and decision making also drives cost savings across the enterprise. At the same time, increased adherence to mobile policies that result in decreased risks and costs associated with a security breach and possible Notifiable Data Breach implications.


Improve accountability over major operating expense

Of course, tracking technology expenses can be a full-time job. So, adopting a TEM solution can help you realise labour savings as you redeploy expensive resources to value-creating tasks. With TEM in place, employees typically move from performing process-driven tasks such as checking invoices to analysing usage to finding savings which provides more value to the business. Work we’ve done with our clients indicates organisations save between 5-10% on labour efficiencies from day one.

While no two enterprises are exactly alike, organisations like yours stand to make significant savings. To work out your organisation’s ROI, use our calculator to help you demonstrate potential value and savings across the business. As an example, for an organisation with an annual telecom spend of $250,000, TEM can generate a first-year savings of more than $50,000.


TEM ROI Calculator

Topics: Management Lifecycle Telecom Expense Management