
2 major reasons why we support the Harding Miller Education Foundation


At imei, we take corporate social responsibility (CSR) seriously. And knowing actions speak so much louder than words, we were delighted to welcome Marisa Chilcott to our office recently to bring us up to date with one of imei’s major CSR initiatives and how we support the Harding Miller Education Foundation.

Topics: CSR

Learn from Australian Government hack: secure enterprise data now

Wasn’t it Einstein who figured insanity is doing the same thing over again, and expecting different results? For professionals tasked to secure enterprise data, it’s beyond time to start doing things differently. At a minimum, you need to bolster your cyber defences.

News recently that Australia’s political parties had been hacked by a “sophisticated state actor” should cause every business concern.

Topics: Security

MWC19 Day 3 – the “cool” stuff: Automotive

The world’s automotive industry is being revolutionised not just by electrification and moving off fossil fuels, but also by the increasing computerisation and connectivity leading us to safer driving and eventually autonomous driving cars.

Topics: News Transportation Network