
Why a UC strategy is central to anywhere, anytime, anyplace, on any device comms

As UC and UCaaS solutions become an integral part of the communications landscape in businesses of all sizes, we sit down with senior engineer Matt Morris who gives us his informed perspective. In the first of a regular series, Matt talks about how UC is the overnight success story that was more than 20 years in the making.

Topics: Unified Communications

Prioritising UC in 2022

In a world that’s increasingly unpredictable and where your employees are working from many places besides the office, the pace of business continues to accelerate even in the face of rapid inflation and volatile markets. In this environment many businesses are discovering traditional communication systems no longer measure up.

Topics: Unified Communications

Is a unified communications solution essential in the modern workplace?

In an era of digital transformation, having a strong appetite to embrace new strategies and adopt innovative technology is often the baseline for business success. With the ability to leverage new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), businesses can continuously plot, learn and correct course as new data flows in. 

Topics: Unified Communications

Beat rising inflation with modern communications technology


With a various geo-political factors driving costs up globally, everything from fuel prices to shipping costs as well as shortages of key raw materials exacerbated by the shipping and logistics challenges are putting significant inflationary pressure on prices.

Topics: Management Intelligence Unified Communications Connectivity Lifecycle Network Remote Working Telecom Expense Management UEM

Simplify Complex Communication Environments with Converged Communications

Picture this typical converged communications scenario: Your country-wide mobile workforce taps into your mobile network and connects securely to access your corporate data and applications on their managed device. Secure user authorisation prevents security breaches and compliance with best practices in user privacy and data protection is a given.

Topics: Unified Communications Connectivity