
Use It Or Lose It: Smart Ways To Spend Down Unspent Telecoms Budgets

As the end of the financial year draws closer, if you have unspent budget for 2022/23, it makes sense to take advantage of it while you still can. As it’s time to use it or lose it, a smart way to spend down those remaining dollars productively is to fuel next year’s activities upfront. So, consider the benefits of prepaying enterprise mobility managed services, communication technology upgrades, critical hardware, communications health checks, and security audits.

Topics: Security Management Intelligence Telecom Expense Management

Managed Services: Prioritising ESG Considerations

With employee and customer expectations to work for or buy from a company that is run in a fair and equitable manner sky high, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting has become an essential business performance metric.

Topics: Management Professional Services CSR

Key Steps In Your Mobile Device Refresh Project

Not long ago, certainly prior to the time of COVID-19, the great majority of knowledge workers had a traditional relationship with their office tech. The workstation provided by the company remained at the office when they left for the day after standard 9-to-5 office hours. Many had company owned and managed mobile devices, others took advantage of BYOD. 

Topics: Management Professional Services Lifecycle

Get imei’s Global Reach to Manage Your Enterprise Mobility Needs in over 130 Countries

Thanks to the wide appeal of our whole-of-business communications offerings, imei is well known for providing businesses across Australia with technology and services that optimise enterprise mobility management. As an Accredited Telstra Global Partner, we’re committed to providing a quality service, supporting many Telstra customers to simplify enterprise mobility management.

Topics: Management Connectivity Lifecycle

Overcome Cybersecurity Skills Shortage With A Managed Service

The International Monetary Fund’s global economic outlook continues to be far from sunny with rising inflation and subdued economic growth likely to persist. Many companies are still plagued by challenges that emerged during the time of COVID-19 and are experiencing further challenges caused by the conflict in Ukraine.

Topics: Security Management Professional Services