
Overcome Cybersecurity Skills Shortage With A Managed Service

The International Monetary Fund’s global economic outlook continues to be far from sunny with rising inflation and subdued economic growth likely to persist. Many companies are still plagued by challenges that emerged during the time of COVID-19 and are experiencing further challenges caused by the conflict in Ukraine.

Topics: Security Management Professional Services

Getting Ready For An Enterprise Mobile Device Upgrade?

Whether your organisation manages tens, hundreds, or thousands of mobile devices, the refresh cycle is an important planning activity forever looming large on the horizon. And while it may be tempting to hold off on replacing older devices as a cost-saving measure, the rapid emergence of new technology and functionality means mobile phones seem to get older faster than ever.

Topics: Management Professional Services Lifecycle

Managed Mobility Simplifies Removing TikTok From Your Mobile Fleet

When the federal government announced it was banning TikTok on government devices, it joined nations around the world prohibiting the use of the app amid privacy and cybersecurity concerns. The rationale is based on security fears and the potential for foreign interference by China.

Topics: Security Management Professional Services

Beam me up, Scotty! Science Fiction a Fact in Record Time

If you were around in 2002 to see Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report when it was released at the cinema, you were probably really impressed with and more than a little jealous of the technology Tom Cruise’s character uses. What’s not to love about the wall-sized computer screens he expertly swipes and zooms through simply by waving his hands?

Topics: Management Professional Services

4 ways to get your people invested in your mobile security culture

Data security is as much about your people as it is about the technology you deploy. As employees can be the focus of cyber attacks, it’s really important to consider how you’re empowering your people to create a strong mobile security culture.

These days, it’s still all too common for an employee to inadvertently click a malicious link or get targeted through social media.

Topics: Security Management