
Working from home the new normal for some

As we said in our article at the end of June, love it or hate it, remote working is here to stay. The coronavirus pandemic has acted as a catalyst rapidly forcing many companies to embrace a work-from-home model. With no miracle cure for COVID-19 on the near horizon, for many employees, working from home is likely to be the new standard.

Topics: Management Unified Communications Connectivity Remote Working

3 critical factors to improve your mobility strategy

Intelligence, Security, and management are three critical factors associated with developing a successful Enterprise Mobility strategy.

Topics: Management Intelligence Lifecycle

Businesses are spending 15% of telecoms expenses on inactive devices

What would you say if we told you your business is probably wasting upwards of 15% of its telecoms spending on inactive devices? Or your company’s mobile phone usage is putting your business at risk? That’s what we’re finding from the mid-sized organisations we’ve reviewed as part of our Fast Start program.

Topics: Management Lifecycle

How to justify a TEM solution to your CEO

In today’s enterprise, complex mobile-based technology infrastructure coupled with the growth of enterprise mobility means burgeoning telecom expense management costs are a fact of life. To drive efficiencies of telecom costs, assets and services implementing a TEM solution is now more important than ever.

Topics: Management Lifecycle Telecom Expense Management

Remote working: secure sensitive data

As we discussed in a recent on blog on remote working, for many enterprises, the COVID-19 outbreak has triggered an emergency response to establish and enable a remote workforce. Businesses everywhere are supporting remote working practices, yet in many cases, without laying strong foundations for robust data security.

Topics: Security Management Lifecycle Remote Working