
imei celebrates 21 years providing full-service whole-of-business communications

This month, imei reaches another significant milestone. We turn 21!

In celebrating our 21st birthday, I think it’s important to remember how far we’ve come since our days as a mobile phone service and support company. With the ongoing support of our strategic partners, vendors, and clients, we’ve grown into a full-service whole-of-business communications services provider.

Topics: Security Management News Intelligence Unified Communications Connectivity Lifecycle

5 Ways MMS Maximises the Benefits of Enterprise Mobility

Amid dramatic advances in technology in the past few years, the trend to a mobile and cloud first ethos has entered the mainstream. While the enterprise initially struggled to keep up, the business advantages of enterprise mobility are now hard to ignore.

Topics: Management Lifecycle

What is Enterprise Mobility Security?

These days, with 18 months of rapid change care of the global pandemic, the traditional 9-5 work framework with employees tethered to their computers in an office environment is no longer the status quo. In addition to employees working in the office, modern workplaces are now made up of remote workers who are working from home as well as employees working in other locations and virtual teams based in other countries.

Topics: Security Lifecycle

Identity and Access Management Is Now Your Next Big Priority

In most companies, enterprise mobility is a given and the adoption of cloud systems is continuing at pace – with more employees using ever more devices to access corporate data and applications through open networks. Controlling who is granted access to which applications presents CIOs and their teams with a raft of identity and access management (IAM) challenges.

Topics: Professional Services Lifecycle

Why imei?

Both a source of competitive advantage and a threat to the status quo, the rapid rise of smartphones in the workplace has shaped today’s world of industry and commerce. The dynamics of enterprise mobility is heralding a new era of enhanced efficiency and productivity by streamlining communication, improving data accuracy, and eliminating unnecessary paperwork, all of which saves time and associated costs.

Topics: Security Management News Intelligence Unified Communications Connectivity Professional Services Lifecycle Network Remote Working