
Mobile Threat Management: Safeguarding Your Devices in a Connected World

According to the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), cyberattacks on businesses increase in frequency and severity each year, making it crucial to safeguard your devices with mobile threat management services. imei helps organisations with end-to-end mobile device management services that incorporate mobile threat detection, prevention and remediation.

Topics: Security

SD-WAN a Key Enabler of the Adaptive Network

It’s often said that a digital transformation is only as good as the network it’s built on. That’s because when transformation that enables ongoing flexibility can keep pace with rapidly changing business requirements. In this world, the Adaptive Network with software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN) at its core is now indispensable for businesses of all types.

Topics: Network

Future of Collaboration: Unified Communications as a Service

Unified communications integrates a selection of communication channels into one platform. This enables employees to call, chat or video through one system, simplifying the communication process. The availability of such services helps workers to better connect, improving the efficiency with which they can organise conference calls, collaborations, and messaging. As we become more technologically advanced, it is essential that we find ways to further increase efficiency and productivity on our devices. imei offers unified communications as a service, which is an effective way to keep both internal and external stakeholders better connected and to move forward in the workplace. 

Topics: Unified Communications Network

imei 16ft skiff racing: Top-10 finish despite significant setbacks

As we draw deeper into the summer months and the humidity in Sydney climbs to epic levels our sponsorship of what has proven to be a tricky 2023/24 16ft skiff racing season is all too quickly drawing past the finishing line.

Topics: News

A Simple Way to Maximise Enterprise Mobility Management

If you’re finding your resources are more stretched than ever, you’re not alone. As enterprise mobility management grows increasingly complicated thanks to the wider array of wireless devices and data security provisions, it takes up more time and resources to plan and manage. You can get on the front foot in 2024 by outsourcing mobility management to our team of experts to maximise the value your mobile fleet delivers to your company.

Topics: Management News Professional Services