
Solve cybersecurity pain points with enterprise-grade mobile security solutions

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It was Benjamin Franklin who opined that death and taxes are the only certainties in life. This was around the time the American Constitution was ratified in 1788. Now, more than 230 years later, death and taxes continue as life’s certainties, but they are no longer alone. In the digital age, cybercrime is also a certainty. And with 5G connecting even more devices and sophisticated applications, businesses have an ever-increasing amount of attack surfaces to protect. You can be certain that the number of ransomware, malware, and other forms of cyberattacks will increase and grow in sophistication.

For everyone in your company with a smartphone, there’s the potential for malicious apps, network-level attacks, and exploitation of vulnerabilities within the devices and operating systems. At the same time, supporting a mix of personal and corporate data on mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops can offer an open door and welcome mat for malicious actors to access data in your corporate network. If your people are travelling and making use of public Wi-Fi on these devices, they can be further compromised. For cybercriminals, it’s a straightforward matter of targeting the mobile devices with malware and stealing credentials to gain remote access to do serious damage.


Cyberattacks grow more challenging to manage

With a growing volume of data to manage, there’s more pressure on companies to bolster mobile data management, strengthen mobile security measures, and safeguard remote and hybrid working environments. It’s a round-the-clock mission-critical requirement despite it not being your core business. Yet, because technology is moving so fast, many companies just don’t have internal capacity or enough experienced people to keep pace with the threats and continually monitor and improve their security posture. 

Without skilled security professionals, it is more difficult to predict and prevent incidents. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was US$4.45 million, representing a 15% increase over 3 years. Even worse, the average cost of a data breach for those companies with a security skills shortage was US$5.36 million.


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Increase mobile cybersecurity and visibility 

With the large and diverse mobile threat landscape, if you’re managing an armada of personal devices in addition to your corporate-owned devices, you need highly experienced security professionals and enterprise-grade mobile security solutions. But the growing threat of cybercrime and not having the internal expertise to deal with feels a lot like rubbing salt into an open wound for many businesses. 

To alleviate this stinging pain point at a time when hiring security professionals continues to be challenging, Enterprise Mobility Managed Services offers an alternative way to increase threat security and visibility. Orchestrated by seasoned experts, imei’s Enterprise Mobility Managed Services provides a robust framework of mobility management, with a 360-degree view of your security across device, apps, and the network, using:

  • Mobile Device Management for monitoring, managing, and securing your employees’ mobiles and ensuring they use their devices within your strict policy guidelines.
  • Mobile Application Management for installing new apps, updating existing apps, and managing licenses. 
  • Mobile Identity Management for ensuring only approved users and devices are allowed to gain access to secure corporate data. 
  • Mobile Information Management for regulating mobile content and managing access policies.
  • Mobile Content Management for enabling employees to access to critical business content and allowing them to collaborate any network, on any mobile device or desktop.
  • Mobile Expense Management for regular reporting and valuable insights identifying billing errors, audit costs, and monitoring corporate policy enforcement.


Security credentials

imei is recognised for excellence in data, mobility, unified communications, security, and professional services, and is compliant with the Australian Cyber Security Essential Eight information security standard as assessed by CyberGRX, a global third-party cyber-risk management platform. We also have Sec Ops accreditation, Telstra’s highest level of partner endorsement for data security and privacy processes. 


Service capability

imei’s services are backed up by our knowledgeable on-shore Service Desk manned by trained, certified, and experienced support staff. We have achieved and maintain the country’s highest customer satisfaction rating with an NPS of +80.

To implement strong technologies and automated processes to reduce information loss and reputation risk, talk to the team at imei about enterprise mobility management as a managed service.

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Topics: Security