
Unlocking the Power of Mobile Device Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide

Choosing the right mobile solutions for your organisation is key to ensuring efficiency, productivity and security. With a range of mobile devices and fleet solutions available, finding the right solution is key to reducing costs and maximising business opportunities. imei specialises in helping organisations unlock the power of mobile intelligence, ensuring valuable insights are extracted from unified data.

Topics: Intelligence

Committed to client satisfaction


We ask for customer feedback at every touchpoint and continue our drive to improve on our NPS score of +81.

As a service organisation, part of our client-driven culture is being committed to constantly improving the client experience. That’s why we’ve always been big believers in NPS – the Net Promoter Score. For imei, it’s a simple but powerful tool to measure ongoing client satisfaction.


Topics: News

Securing enterprise mobility during an M&A

Whenever a company undertakes a merger or is absorbed into another organisation, consolidating two businesses as part of a Merger and Aquisition (M&A) often means combining conflicting IT assets such as mobile devices. Firstly, there’s the mobile operating system to consider as one company may have invested in Android while the other adopted iOS. And what if the acquired company is using older, out-of-support mobile devices? 

Topics: Management Lifecycle

Enhancing Network Security: The Benefits of Managed Services for SD-WAN and Cradlepoint Deployments

Improve network control, visibility, performance and security with a Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) solution. Unlike older WAN technology, SD-WAN is controlled through a software application that allows for the creation of a more dynamic and intelligent WAN environment.

Topics: Security Network

How to reduce complexity in managing communication technology

Do you know who to contact when there’s an issue with network connectivity? How about when you urgently need to decommission a mobile device? Not knowing who to contact is a very common pain point in many businesses.

Topics: Management