
The Importance of Mobile Data Security: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets

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The volume and different types of data organisations manage in today’s digital world are rapidly increasing. This includes the growth of cloud-based applications, remote work and mobile device usage. 

While the uptake of these technologies and services is allowing for more agile and productive work, it also creates additional security risks. At imei, we help organisations manage these risks with managed mobile services that safeguard your data and other digital assets. 


Benefits of Mobile Threat Management

A fleet of mobile devices with poor security measures exposes you to a range of risks including identity theft, data breaches and financial loss. A managed service provider can implement the Essential 8 security protocols across your entire fleet of mobile devices, including:

  • Encryption
  • Patching
  • Data loss prevention
  • Vulnerability management
  • Physical access
  • Data recovery capabilities
  • Security incident responses
  • System access control

Mobile data security should be a key priority for organisations. These measures represent the minimum foundational controls you should implement to prevent damaging data breaches. 


Mobile Data Security


Impact of Data Breaches

A number of high-profile breaches have occurred in Australia, affecting millions of customers. This has resulted in tighter regulations around privacy laws as well as more severe penalties for data breaches. The infamous 2022 Optus and Medibank data breaches as well as the 2019 Canva breach are well-known examples in Australia. 

More recently in 2023, a data breach at Latitude, a personal loan and finance provider, saw attackers gain access to over 14 million people’s personal information, including full names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth and ID. These incidents have had immeasurable reputational damage as well as severe financial penalties for the organisations targeted, highlighting the importance of prioritising cybersecurity.


Mobile Security Best Practices

Examples of actionable strategies for safeguarding mobile data include fundamentals like using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping software up to date. Other baseline steps you can take to improve mobile security include limiting users to only the tools they need and configuring access according to threat vectors relevant to your organisation.

Ensure your team is fully trained to understand and apply data security considerations and regulations. Set up controls to prevent the ability to send sensitive data to unsecured locations in the cloud. Make sure staff understand how their actions at work can impact security and prevent the ability to sidestep security procedures to simplify tasks.


Explore Mobile Device Management (MDM) Solutions

MDM solutions make it easier to tightly manage security protocols. This includes keeping track of:

  • The number of mobile devices in your fleet and how many are active
  • Which user’s digital identity is attached to each device
  • The location of each device
  • User permissions and authorisations
  • Whether security patches and software updates are carried out promptly.

Getting a detailed overview of your mobile fleet and how they are set up allows you to quickly identify security gaps. This helps manage simple risks, like ensuring the prompt termination of access to past employees or correcting missed updates. 


Proactive Mobile Threat Management and Support

imei simplifies data security, incorporating it as part of our mobile device management services. As a Telstra Platinum Partner, our services meet the Australian Cyber Security Essential Eight information security standards. We also take a proactive role in managing security threats and implementing the best mitigation strategies.

Contact us today to learn more.


Mobile Data Security

Topics: Security