
Kieran Kirkpatrick

Recent Posts by Kieran Kirkpatrick:

Managed Mobility Simplifies Removing TikTok From Your Mobile Fleet

When the federal government announced it was banning TikTok on government devices, it joined nations around the world prohibiting the use of the app amid privacy and cybersecurity concerns. The rationale is based on security fears and the potential for foreign interference by China.

Topics: Security Management Professional Services

Why Phishing Attacks Are Hooking Even The Digitally Savvy

These days, see a call from an unknown number and you typically just let it go to voice mail. If it’s important, the caller will leave a message, right? With text messages though, while you may feel confident that you can spot a pesky road toll text scam from a very long distance, phishing scams by text are becoming ever more sophisticated and trickier to identify.

Topics: Security

What to Look For in A Mobile Data Security Managed Service

Last year, two high-profile data breaches impacting Optus and Medibank affected millions of Australians and resulted in regulatory measures around Australia’s privacy laws being tightened with penalties for breaches hiked considerably.

Topics: Security News

Refresh Mobile Data Security Settings for 2023

With data security breaches in the news, it’s a reminder that mobile data security is always evolving, and no protection is ever foolproof. Use it as your wake-up call to strengthen your mobile data security posture as we start the New Year.

Topics: Security

Boost Cybersecurity Resilience With A Managed Service

As we enter the silly season and our minds turn to the end-of-year break, you can count on cybercriminals to ramp up their malicious cyber activity. According to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), the organisation spearheading the Australian Government’s efforts to improve cyber security, the number and sophistication of cyberthreats in Australia is growing. There is now a ransomware report every 7 minutes, amounting to more than 76,000 cybercrime reports over the year.

Topics: Security