
Managing enterprise mobility without the complexity

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Ten years ago, when enterprise mobility was still in its infancy, if you could give your people a top-notch e-mail experience on their mobile phones, then you were pretty much killing it.  But in our 5G world, as new enterprise productivity innovations emerge at an ever-faster clip, employees began to expect highly advanced task-specific tools on their mobiles to get their work done. As a result, not providing these tools can expose companies to ingrained inefficiencies, sluggish productivity, disgruntled employees, and less than satisfied customers. 

Not surprisingly, companies have innovated business apps round taking advantage of real-time data and collaboration, immersive experiences, and seamless connectivity. For example, imagine you work at a utilities company and have a team of workers in the field empowered by enterprise mobility. You can offer tightly connected apps to give technicians a single source of truth from their smartphones, with accurate information on the installed base, customer details, and the equipment needing to be serviced. Any maintenance information can be entered by technicians in the field which is automatically replicated to back-end systems. Installed-base information is kept up to date, while eliminating the need for manual data entry and the service information to be uploaded to the back end. 

This creates a compelling user experience for technicians as it mitigates the need to log in and out of multiple systems. And while technicians enjoy a simplified work experience, customers benefit from field service technicians who are fully clued-in to their operating environment, with all the information they to be able to deliver a better customer experience. And there’s also a digital audit trail for visibility and compliance.

Of course, this type of scenario is being played out in different ways across many different industries from hospitality workers in cafes and venues, to medical professionals in healthcare facilities, to construction workers on building sites.

As task-specific mobile apps have become more advanced, the infrastructure around managing enterprise mobility, mobile devices, and enterprise integrations in the corporate world has become more complex. 


Enterprise Mobility Management


Managing the ecosystem around network connectivity and security 

Enabling employees to access corporate data on their devices from various locations with the ability to capture new data and have that information automatically updated in backend systems requires tight integration and gold-standard security measures. So, managing security risks and implementing strong security measures to protect sensitive data stored and transmitted on mobile devices must be a top priority for every company. 

Then there’s the MDM/EMM infrastructure and application lifecycle management system to set up, allowing all registered mobile devices and corporate applications to be centrally managed. Last but not least, there’s the provision of end user support with helpdesk and other support functions. 

As a whole-of-business information communications technology provider, imei offers a holistic approach to enterprise mobility and device management. We offer a suite of tools and services that give you all the visibility and insight you need to maximise value from the devices and your enterprise mobility strategy.


imei managed service for MDM, EMM, and MTM

Given the complexities in managing a modern enterprise mobility environment, imei offers a managed service for mobile device management (MDM), enterprise mobility management (EMM), and mobile threat management (MTM). Our offering goes beyond mobile device management and extends to the personally owned devices in your fleet, providing application, content, and security management. This is designed to protect data from threats such as malware, data breaches, and unauthorized access, while still providing employees with direct access to resources. 

With an imei managed service for MDM, EMM, and MTM, our administrators can remotely configure settings, deploy apps, enforce security policies, and monitor device health across the entire organization. We also provide your internal team with a level on hands-on control through access to imei’s iControl portal where you can make real-time updates to your services. From this portal, you get comprehensive visibility across all the devices in your fleet, plus full traceability on all the devices you’ve purchased through imei. This gives you a complete digital audit trail and simplifies identifying who has which device. You can also access imei Expense Manager to streamline telecom expense management.

To find out more about simplifying the complexity of enterprise mobility management with imei managed services for MDM, EMM, and MTM, please get in touch.

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Enterprise Mobility Management

Topics: Management Lifecycle