
Design a network on 5G to prepare for the future

Are your business goals focused on enhancing the customer experience to meet ever greater customer demands? Or boosting operational productivity and efficiency by extending process simplification and automation? Perhaps you are seeking to improve employee satisfaction and retention as part of strengthening your employer brand and culture. Or you could be looking to build resilience in your supply chain to withstand turbulent time? The answer to many modern business challenges lies in how you use new technology.

Topics: Connectivity Network 5G

Embrace The Transformative Potential of AI

Such is the complexity of natural human language, it took the loveable eco-friendly but rusty droid character WALL-E more than 700 years on this planet to develop intelligible human language. That’s because there’s unstructured data to contend with as well as formal rules that have too many exceptions (I’m looking at you I before E expect before C). Ripe with nuances, real-world context, and sometimes unfortunate double meanings, natural human language has been near impossible for computers to understand and mimic in a way that truly makes sense.

Topics: Management 5G

Get Faster 4G and 5G Speeds with Adaptive Mobility Accelerator

Do you need faster data speeds during high bandwidth work activities and high network traffic conditions? As next-generation applications and devices consume increased bandwidth, your bandwidth connection needs to keep up with your fast-changing needs.

Topics: Connectivity 5G

3G Shutdown is Coming – Act Now to Prevent Business Disruption

It’s been a long time coming, but as the sunsetting of Australia’s 3G coverage inches ever closer to the horizon, it’s important to take practical steps to smooth the transition to new network connectivity in your organisation. If you want to prevent business disruption and negative customer experiences, planning now is essential.

Topics: Connectivity Network 5G

Hybrid Working was 2022 . . . Innovation Inspiration for 2023

As we wrap up 2022 we have seen post-Covid work cement hybrid working, WFH is now in the dictionary and cyber security attacks are the new normal.

What will 2023 brings us in comms tech? New technologies like 5G continue to reshape existing ways of doing things in surprising ways and businesses that are ready to capitalise on these changes are likely to get ahead. It is every leader’s job to be familiar with how innovations in technology can impact their organisation and keep abreast of what’s to come.

Topics: Security 5G