
Shining the spotlight on the Service Delivery Manager

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The primary focus of Service Delivery Managers at imei is centred on customer satisfaction. This team ensures services are delivered and supported to the agreed service levels and expectations. As your go-to person who is overseeing the delivery of our managed services, imei’s Service Delivery Managers are responsible for understanding your specific needs, preferences, and challenges and orchestrating the effective delivery of our services. They facilitate service tracking, reporting, and managing value-added services.


A focus on customer satisfaction 

Acting as your advocate, Service Delivery Managers play at vital role for customers with smaller internal IT teams, as they manage the day-to-day operational aspects of your managed services environments, leaving your internal team to focus on core business projects. 


Enterprise Mobility Management


Monitoring the health of your network and communications environment 

For service tracking, Service Delivery Managers use internal systems and data to maintain a view of your services and work with other imei teams to monitor the status of projects.

And if you have an assigned Telstra Service Manager, the imei Service Delivery Manager will work with them to assist in the provision of combined reporting and to prepare for Telstra Governance meetings.


Reporting includes:

  • A monthly mobility report summarising key mobile fleet and service management information 
  • A monthly service review meeting to present the report, discuss relevant events and provide recommendations on service improvement opportunities
  • Insights from any enterprise mobility management subscriptions from imei, such as MDM, MTM, and Expense Manager
  • Tailored recommendations for service improvement initiatives.

For the delivery of value-added services, our Service Delivery Managers:

  • Provide an additional point of contact for your authorised administrators and can provide support during major case escalations
  • Act as a customer advocate within imei to leverage support and knowledge from the broader imei team where required
  • Provide ad-hoc training for your authorised administrators on imei’s online portals to ensure that you are utilising and leveraging the benefits of these data sources.

Other important functions performed by imei’s Service Delivery Managers that are aligned to customer satisfaction, providing recommendations on new and emerging technologies and applications that have the potential to meet your business objectives. 


Services Delivery Managers through imei Lifecycle

You can tap the experience of our Service Delivery Managers through imei Lifecycle services for mobile device fleet management: 

imei Lifecycle - Telstra Adaptive Mobility Managed Service device lifecycle management plus an experienced Service Delivery Manager and imei Intelligence Dashboard 

imei Lifecycle Pro - Full device lifecycle management service as per imei Lifecycle with embedded Buffer Stock Management, Priority Service, and imei Professional Services Fund. 


To learn more, please get in touch.

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Enterprise Mobility Management

Topics: Lifecycle