
Why a UC strategy is central to anywhere, anytime, anyplace, on any device comms

As UC and UCaaS solutions become an integral part of the communications landscape in businesses of all sizes, we sit down with senior engineer Matt Morris who gives us his informed perspective. In the first of a regular series, Matt talks about how UC is the overnight success story that was more than 20 years in the making.

Topics: Unified Communications

Simplified and Modular: introducing imei’s New Mobile Management Service

As your internal processes and systems constantly evolve to keep pace with changing market dynamics (hello ongoing supply chain challenges and the hybrid work world), we’ve streamlined our mobile management service offerings to give you more of what you need when you need it.

Topics: Management Lifecycle

Cyber Security Awareness Month.  A reminder to stay secure online.

October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has named the overarching theme for 2022 as ‘Have you been hacked?’. Cyber security is important for every business and individual. The ACSC highlights the first steps as turning on automatic software updates, regularly backing up your devices, switching on multi-factor authentication, using passphrases, securing mobile devices, and watching out for cyber scams.

Topics: Security Connectivity

Executive leaves mobile phone in taxi

It’s a hypothetical, but it might happen, and then what? (Hint: an imei Managed Mobile Service saves the day).

Let’s imagine for a second that after a business event, in a taxi ride home, an executive has their mobile phone fall out of a pocket. Arriving home and routinely going to plug the phone onto charge as always, discovers that the phone is not with them…

Topics: Management

Beat the Triple Threat of Under-Performing Networks with SD-WAN

Distributed network architecture, high network maintenance costs, and suboptimal data security create a triple threat for companies across the country. Businesses everywhere continue to battle under-performing networks, but if our experience at Telstra Vantage this year is anything to go by, the SD-WAN secret is definitely out. Software-defined WAN (or SD-WAN) provides a cost-effective answer to these three challenges and more.

Topics: Connectivity Network Remote Working