
How remote working benefits your business

We’ve now had more than three months of emergency measures in place to restrict the spread of COVID-19. Love it or hate it, remote working has become the new normal for many businesses and employees.

Topics: Security Unified Communications Remote Working

5 ways companies can improve mobile device security

As we move towards the second half of 2020, we’re likely to see many of the fast-adopted changes that were put in place to support remote working become permanent fixtures of business life. With your people using a variety of corporate and personal (bring your own) devices, managing mobile device security can be a huge headache for your IT team.

Topics: Security

What are app leaks and how do I know if my apps are leaking?


As mobile security, data protection and privacy have become hot topics, one area of increasing focus is mobile app security and app data leakage. imei partners with best-in-class mobile security technology providers such as Wandera, who provide some valuable insight in this blog post.

Topics: Security

How 5G will impact different businesses

As we mentioned in our recent posts on technology trends and adopting IoT and 5G in your enterprise mobility strategy, 5G is set to make a major impact on businesses and transform just about every industry.

Topics: Connectivity Network 5G

Businesses are spending 15% of telecoms expenses on inactive devices

What would you say if we told you your business is probably wasting upwards of 15% of its telecoms spending on inactive devices? Or your company’s mobile phone usage is putting your business at risk? That’s what we’re finding from the mid-sized organisations we’ve reviewed as part of our Fast Start program.

Topics: Management Lifecycle