
Gavin Jones

Recent Posts by Gavin Jones:

Adaptive Connectivity: preparing the enterprise with the flexibility to adapt

As we continue to reflect on the year that was 2020, the word “unprecedented” rings out, loud and clear – from the raging bushfires on a scale hitherto unknown, to the social, political, and economical ravages of the pandemic. If lessons from the bushfires and COVID-19 have taught us anything in the business world, it’s the need for preparedness for the unprecedented and the flexibility to adapt.

Topics: Unified Communications Connectivity 5G

Unified call recording for business goes mobile

In the wake of the pandemic, with so many workers continuing to work-from-home – either permanently or in a flexible work arrangement ­– mobile devices are now being used as a primary communication channel. With home-workers utilising mobile devices and communications platforms such as Microsoft Teams, businesses need to capture conversations from mobile devices across wireless and IP connections.

Topics: Unified Communications Connectivity

The Value of Accurate Digital Identity Management

Digital identities are a crucial component of a healthy mobile eco-system. They provide a right to access information, services and other company resources, as well as help companies identify the role-based policies, aligned with individuals, associated with the mobile device.

Topics: Management

How managed networks free IT resources to focus on business goals

These days, businesses depend on high-speed, reliable, and secure data networks to power their daily operations. It’s not over-stating the point to say your data network’s up-time and speed is key to ensuring your organisation’s performance.

Topics: Security Management Unified Communications

Cost of cloud vs on-premise UC

Ensuring your people can connect, communicate, and collaborate quickly and easily to get work done wherever they are, has become a fundamental business requirement. So, it’s important to have the right tools (whether cloud vs on-premise UC) for the right people, with the right size of licensing and services arrangements in place.

Topics: Unified Communications