
Mobile device procurement, provisioning, and deployment

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We reported recently on news that some 4G phones in Australia were caught up in the 3G shutdown which subsequently led to Telstra extending the deadline which is now scheduled for October this year. The reason for the extension is that there are more than one million 4G phones circulating in the community that do not support VoLTE emergency calling. This means users cannot connect to Triple zero services when in need.

These devices may have been brought in from overseas or were purchased as refurbished devices or possibly sourced from old surplus stock. With more than one million devices impacted, you can be sure that this issue will continue to challenge many retail businesses, healthcare facilities, hospitality venues, construction companies and others across the country for some time to come.

If you’re one of them and are currently responsible for handling this issue in your company and want a smart way to resolve the situation by upgrading your team’s mobile devices, perhaps imei can help? Our experienced team can assist with every step from mobile phone sourcing and device procurement to provisioning and deployment. 


Your go-to partner for mobile device procurement and deployment

With strong expertise honed over many years, imei provides a one-stop-shop for mobile phone procurement and deployment. We can help you manage the mobile device procurement process from start to finish and handle mobile device provisioning and deployment, doing all the setup for you. imei’s managed mobility services (MMS) encompass everything from procuring devices through to decommissioning, providing the expertise and assistance to manage the entire lifecycle of your growing mobile infrastructure. 

We can also handle the logistics side of things by taking care of shipping them to individual users, offices, or work sites as required. In this way, you to provide your people with an exciting out-of-box startup experience, meaning the new phones are already set up and ready to go.


Enterprise Mobility Management


Take control with access to imei’s iControl 

What’s more, when you partner with imei to take care of mobile device procurement, provisioning, and deployment, you also get access to imei’s iControl portal. While imei’s running your enterprise mobility environment,  imei’s iControl portal allows you to take the reins of administering your mobile fleet and make real-time updates to your services. From the portal, you have comprehensive visibility across all the devices in your fleet, plus a digital audit trail for all the devices you’ve purchased through imei. 

The iControl portal comes in super handy when you need to make quick changes, such as:

  • Activating or deactivating plans
  • Applying international roaming services to a plan
  • Ordering new devices
  • Tracking inventory and buffer stock
  • Monitoring device/plan usage
  • Enforcing policies
  • Requesting repairs and replacements. 

You can action these types of changes instantly with automated confirmations and notifications that the changes have been actioned. Of course, whenever, you do need to speak to someone, our helpdesk services are delivered through a dedicated Australia-based contact centre in Sydney and are available when you need them.


Streamline mobile device procurement with imei

If your company is currently impacted the 3G switch off and are considering upgrading your mobile fleet or thinking about handing over enterprise mobility management to a trusted partner, please get in touch. You can outsource the ongoing management of your mobile device fleet from procurement to decommissioning with imei.

>Get in touch


Enterprise Mobility Management

Topics: Lifecycle