
Mobility is everything

As a result of imei’s acquisition of BTAS, our ability to provide ‘whole-of-business’ communications solutions across mobile, data and voice networks is greatly enhanced.

Topics: Management

Why should I care about Unified Communications and Collaboration?

imei’s merger with BTAS opens new opportunities for integrating mobiles with unified communications and collaboration.  This new converged communication platform has the potential to improve productivity, reduce costs and manage risk in the organisation. 

Topics: Unified Communications Connectivity

Update on imei merger with BTAS unified communications

In January 2018 we announced our intention to merge business operations with BTAS unified communications. In the past few months, we have been working hard to combine our products and services, streamline finance, vendors and logistics, and realise the benefits for our customers.

Topics: News

imei Joins GEMA – the Global Enterprise Mobility Alliance

Sydney, Australia, 08/05/2018 – imei have today announced the joining of GEMA - the Global Enterprise Mobility Alliance.

Topics: News

Complacency around Cyber Security Puts Customer Privacy at Risk

Complacency is the greatest risk to customer privacy today. A massive 83% percent of companies are complacent about their mobile security, according to the recently published Verizon Mobile Security Index 2018 Report. The report also revealed a significant number of concerning insights relating to how corporations are securing their mobile fleet – and how inadequate their security measures are.

Topics: Security