
Connected Workplace, 5G and the Internet of Things – Telstra Vantage Day 2  #TelstraVantage

Exciting technologies and changes to how we work together were a focal point of Telstra Vantage keynote talks on Wednesday, as 6,000 people are expected to visit Vantage over three days.

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Telstra Vantage Kicks Off in Melbourne!


It will be a big week at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre where Telstra is hosting Vantage - the biggest telecommunications event in the southern hemisphere. Vantage is divided into four key themes “Liberate your workforce”, “Secure your business”. “Optimise your IT” and “Create transformative innovation” all highlighting the impact of technology on the speed of business and productivity of workforces.

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Enabling better enterprise mobility and security

Despite the significant advantages of enterprise mobility, for IT and security professionals, mobility creates ongoing challenges. Chief among them is finding the right balance between allowing staff to work wherever and whenever they need to, on their preferred device, and having internal controls in place to ensure company data is safe and secure. 

Topics: Security Intelligence Transportation

Why you need to boost data protection controls across your mobile fleet

Despite the tightening regulatory framework of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe and Notifiable Data Breach (NBD) legislation over here, gaping holes are prevalent in data protection and security management practices across the country. The latest quarterly mandatory data breach report by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), suggests that mobile security practices still have some way to go before they are ingrained in the employee mindset.

Topics: Security

imei’s “Miss Scarlet” racing hard at Magnetic Island Race Week


Miss Scarlet which two weeks ago competed in Hamilton Island Race Week finishing second in line honours in the IRC division 2 racing class, was racing again this week at Magnetic Island Race week off Townsville, North Queensland.

Topics: News