
Future Ready Your Network with Converged Communications

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When you consider the costs of supporting multiple networks as opposed to implementing converged communications on a single network, converged communications gives you the potential to minimise maintenance costs while still adding new communications services as you need them.

For years now and as part of an evolving digital transformation journey, increased enterprise mobility in tandem with the adoption of new communications technologies have been a significant focus of business strategy and investment. To make this investment count, it makes sense to group communications technologies including voice, video, and data on a single network. Designing and managing these technologies within one converged communications environment provides the best experience for your people and makes it less complicated for you to manage and administer.

Taking a converged communications approach offers more convenience and flexibility than using separate networks. There’s no need to think about logging in and out of different apps – it all just works. It makes it easy for your people to seamlessly connect and communicate from multiple locations using various devices and helps them stay connected wherever they are.

 imei Connect Diagram


What converged communications
looks like

As illustrated above, a converged communications setup on a tier one carrier core, connects your mobile workforce over a 4G mobile network. Elsewhere, satellite or fixed wireless connectivity links to regional users and supports multiple access tails to branch offices running ethernet LAN. At head office, there’s a high-speed fibre connection supporting the WAN with access to your cloud-based application infrastructure and security. In addition, there’s a dedicated link to your multichannel contact centre that supports instant messaging and streaming services while your applications data centre services are available over a separate high speed fibre connection.

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Helping your people be productive wherever they are

With converged communications, you establish a modern working environment where your offices are connected by a private managed WAN network running across a cost-effective high-speed fibre connection, making the network ubiquitous and reliable.

Meanwhile, your mobile workforce securely and effortlessly connects to the mobile network to access corporate information on a managed device. This point is crucial as you have more control over your mobile fleet which means you can take advantage of secure user authorisation and comply with rigorous policies here and overseas to protect sensitive information and user privacy.

And with all your organisation’s data services, applications, and systems housed in the cloud, they’re available to every employee that needs them (subject to user permissions) in every location, and on any device.

So, when a mobile worker enters any site in your network, their devices automatically connect to high-performance Wi-Fi. At this point, the user is authenticated and provided with continued secure access to systems and application on the network.

In addition, in a converged communications world, your mobile workers are given a universal contact number that follows them whether they are in the office, on a softphone via their laptop, or using a mobile communication application on their mobile phone.


Future-ready network

While adopting a converged communications approach helps ensure your people can be productive and deliver wherever they are, on whatever device they prefer, it’s also a smart approach if you’re planning your network for the future. Implementing converged communications gives you the potential to minimize maintenance costs by running a single network with the potential to add new communications services as you need them.

imei can help you make the most of integrating technologies on a single network with our unique whole-of-business telecommunication services across fixed and mobile voice and broadband, VoIP, audio/video conferencing, and unified communications. For more information about converged communications and our telecommunication capabilities, please get in touch or for more reading, check out our blog.


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Topics: Unified Communications Connectivity