
Can IT Managers Realistically Expect to Stay on Top of Their ICT Environment?

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Time strapped IT managers are often forced to prioritise “keeping the lights on” with their information and communications technology (ICT) and mobile environments instead of exploring new strategies. Even getting around to analysing and optimising the environment already in place often falls back on the back burner.

This could mean that gaps in their infrastructure, may slide “under the radar” while more pressing current ICT matters are attended to.

The danger of just “keeping the light on” is that any potential risks may accelerate over time. If IT managers remain constrained on where they are now, and have less time for planning, there is a real danger of being left behind, particularly at the rapid pace that technology changes.


Maintenance costs now vs. expensive rectification expenses later

As an example, allowing product support to fall off and reach end-of-life could result in escalating future maintenance costs.

We’ve found, in experience across various industry sectors, that customers who have to rectify a situation now end up paying significantly more than if they had addressed it six to twelve months earlier through regular maintenance and/or scheduled product support and updates.


Approaches to risk

IT managers have clear perspective on and awareness of the risks, however they are often hesitant to take measures against risks. Not always by choice, but perhaps due to time pressures, resource constraints, knowledge gaps or a combination of all of the above.

Although the cliché “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” does often hold up well, having information and processes to help protect information security or to predict network issues, breakages or bottlenecks will greatly reduce risk by being ready to act and reducing the impact any outages should they occur.


Budget pressure and cost savings

Today’s business operating environments typically involve “doing more with less”. From discussions with various IT managers, we know that budgetary constraints are at the forefront of their minds.

Most IT managers also have to be exceptional budget managers that run their departments efficiently. However, while they may know their own best practices and be widely read, it is difficult to find more efficient ways to manage cost savings.


The mobile revolution

The proliferation of mobile devices has also placed expectations on IT managers in two areas:

1.    Managing Mobile Fleets: how to manage the large, varied and growing fleet of mobile devices and to keep cost down and security tight.

2.    Improving Networks: How to bolster their wireless networks - providing good quality coverage and speeds, with the simplicity experienced from a home grade wireless network, requires a more secure and robust approach for a workplace environment.


We need to move to the Cloud!

IT managers continue to experience pressure from management to consolidate technologies and/or move to the Cloud. Some IT managers have turned to us for advice around what the shift to the Cloud means or what it entails for their organisation.

Cloud deployment means different things for different organisations, and is so far away from a “one size fits all” technology that investing time and effort to understand the fit for your organisation is essential before making any decisions. Cloud delivery may not be the right solution for parts of your business.


An outsider insight

Controlling all aspects of ICT can be fulfilling and a great source of pride for IT Managers. With increasing complexity, constrained resources and greater demands from management and users, it has become increasingly necessary to find trusted advisers with specialised knowledge.

The value imei offers as a partner to an IT manager is our specialised insights and skills. As an external partner that works across various industries and companies, we can offer insight, best-known-methods and cost-effective services.

In short, imei’s expertise in technology integration, managed services and customer service can fill in the gaps by providing information, analysis and optimisation.


The benefit of foresight

imei Intelligence service is designed to provide an “early warning” look into a business’ mobile and network infrastructure and provides a data-driven assessment in three areas:

  • Technologies in use – whether the organisation is making the best use of the technology tools, and is there scope for optimisation?
  • Usage models and performance including having the appropriate user permissions; apps in use (authorised or not); network performance and commercial efficiency; this is an area where operating cost savings are usually found.
  • Headroom for growth – can your environment flex and grow with your business requirements?

To find out more about imei intelligence and how it can help your business, visit the product page or contact us.


Topics: Unified Communications